Eyesore Merch @ Hammerfest 5: In Fear Of The Dragon!

This year at Wales’s biggest metal fest, held at the Hafan Y Môr Holiday Park in Pwllheli, the Eyesore Merch team will be hitting Hammerfest 5: In Fear Of The Dragon, ready with a stall to satisfy your band merch needs!

The festival will be providing sets from the likes of the thrash-hards Sodom and Destruction, grindfathers Napalm Death, doomsayers Saint Vitus and Candlemass, hardcore vets Hatebreed, industrialists Killing Joke and death purveyors Ensalved. There will also be a big selection of popular acts from the underground with Winterfylleth, Dyscarnate, Flayed Disciple, Lifer, Bloodshot Dawn, Serpent Venom and many, many more.

Eyesore Merch will be setting up shop and selling merch of Hammerfest attendants Napalm DeathEnslavedAngel Witch and Killing Joke; as well as a wide, general selection of other band merch.

Not only that, but you can expect a live review feed on both the official Eyesore Merch Twitter and Facebook pages, keeping you updated on who rocked and who slopped – plus we’ll be posting interviews as well!

Let us know who you’re excited to see and who are the acts not to miss over the three-day event

In the meantime, this is who we’re excited for:

Ali –

Hammerfest is nigh! Really looking forward to hitting Wales again this year for some metal mayhem. This fest has been getting better every year and has some seriously cool bands to check out in 2013. I can’t wait for a dose of Killing Joke as I have never seen them live before. Massively excited to see Enslaved again, especially with new album RIITIIR under their belts as well as the dulcet doom tones of Candlemass and Saint Vitus. Oh, and I was surprised and happy to see the impressive Chimp Spanner on the bill. Looking forward to see how he handles the usually solo project with a full live band. Come by the Eyesore Merch stall, say Raaaaggghh, drink beer and buy merch! See you in 2 days people 🙂

Rich –

If I hadn’t already seen Napalm Death before, they would be in the number one spot. However, I’m most excited to see Saint Vitus play on Saturday – one of the most influential bands in doom and stoner metal, and fronted by the legendary Wino, whose performance in will be without a doubt unmissable. I’m pretty hyped to see Candlemass and Destruction (NAILED TO THE CROOOOSS!) too, and Killing Joke will be cool to see as well.